Project-Based Learning Organically Engages Students
The prospect of project-based learning in the classroom has tremendous potential for engaging students. Substantial research suggests project-based learning organically captures students’ attention while ...
Tech-Powered Parent Engagement
In today’s day and age, there are countless opportunities for engaging not just students, but parents too. Tech-enhanced parent engagement is a notion of increasing importance in the classroom, and teachers ...
Inquiry-Based Learning
Inquiry-based learning. It’s learning that is inspired by and modeled on inquiry, the students’ inquiry to be specific. They get curious, ask a question, and you (the instructor) answer it. This type of ...
Motivating the Unmotivated
In the academic environment, there are students who excel and who fail, those who do their best and those who remain apathetic, those who are motivated and those who simply could not care less. The latter ...
How Do You Incentivize Kids to Do Better in School? Build a Social Network That Rewards Them.
I recently came across this article on that talks about financially incentivizing kids in order to increase their academic performance. While I'm not sure I agree entirely with the system, or ...
The Possible Negative Implications of Reading Logs
In the educational community, there is a consistent and valuable effort to coerce kids into reading more often, not just for academia but for recreation as well. It is known that recreational readers generally ...
Turning High-Poverty Schools into High-Performing Schools
While the notion of low-income and its effects on the educational system is something often discussed in mainstream media, the solution for such remains elusive. As a society, we are certainly aware economic ...
The Power of an Effective Teacher
Educators play a role of the utmost significance in society. Teachers mold the minds of future generations, prompt natural curiosity and stoke the fires of passion in children who are not even aware their ...